Yohtzee's Tangents  🔗


Random gold nugget droppings
from solo sessions to rpg ramblings and worldbuilding.
Maybe some coding stuff or Obsidian❤️ findings.

Or maybe not? #NOIDEADOG

Recent posts  🔗

Sharp Knives and Short Lives

One Shots

My first ever GM-less co-op session while introducing the SoloRPG hobby to a friend.

Embracing the Hunt

Game Prep

The PC in the adventure I GM is in a pickle. Let's prep for next session, using my solo rpg tools.

Untold ✕ RPG Hack


I'm about to hack Untold and propose a method to combine it with traditional TTRPG systems.

Untold - First Impressions


Here are my first impressions on Untold - Adventures Await.

103 Winds of Freedom


Freedom comes in many forms. Untold adventure finale - the truth is revealed.

102 Chasing thugs


Our heroes face bad-mouthing thugs. Let's see what other shenanigans Rory's Story Cubes throw at us!

101 Who let the birds out


I gave Untold - Adventures Await a try. Come and see how the first scene goes!

Adventure Pointcrawl

Explorations in the Deep

I made a Pointcrawl map of the places I explored in my solo adventure. Hope it'll inspire y'all.

100 Adventure Setup


Let's create a character and define the setting for my upcoming Untold session!

Tricube Tales - First Impressions


Come, sit by the fire and let's chit-chat about the Tricube Tales RPG system.

103 Securing the Source

Explorations in the Deep

Adventure finale! The squad locates the Source, but can they weather the (magical) storm?

102 Deep in Mud

Explorations in the Deep

Iax gets a new weapon, while the squad finds itself knee deep in mud…or is it from head to toe?

101 Picking Mushrooms

Explorations in the Deep

The squad sets out into the depts of the Underlands, overcoming obstacles and even fighting a group of…

100 Adventure Setup

Explorations in the Deep

In this session I setup the adventure, create the PCs and generate plots using Tricube Tales.

101 Journey around Ozhara


Accompany Rimit as she journeys around Ozhara and discovers the area in this Journey Actual Play.