Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Session played at: 2022-01-28

Published at: 2022-02-24

I'm using Untold - Adventures Await for this Actual Play.

Winds of Freedom  🔗

An Untold - Adventures Await Solo Adventure  🔗

Chasing thugs  🔗


Hey you…yes, you! Character and Setting Setup can be found here.

Scene 2
The plot thickens
🔍  🔗

Scene 2 Setup  🔗

Tarot: 4 of Swords Reversed ⇾ Losing faith

Evil Ally: speech bubble ⇾ Someone speaking up against the cause of our heroes?
That would go well with the theme of the tarot card too.

Someone's talking shit about the Aviary.

As Kait and Squint roam around high town,
they come across a group handing out flyers to the people.
The flyer says:

The city is unsafe,
we better get rid of those birds
before hell breaks loose!


Immediately recognizes their voice.
They are from yesterday!!! I'm sure of it! - she shouts, even though Kait is standing right next to her.

Question: What part of the city are they in?
Rory's Story Cubes:
    ID card ⇾ They are near a governmental area
    Fish swimming to the left ⇾ It is westleft of the marketplace

Question: Do people seem to agree with them? What is the general reception?
Rory's Story Cubes: ⇾ Scales
The town folk have mixed opinions. Some agree with themlosing faith, some don't.


Loses her temper and calls them out:
Hey you assholes! How dare you pissing on my property!?

Upon hearing this, the gang quickly makes a run for it.

Scene 3
A heroic undertaking

Scene 3 Setup  🔗

Tarot: 3 of Swords ⇾ Hurt 😭

Location: flower ⇾ Interesting, it could be a park, or something like that.
Threat: speech bubble ⇾ I reused the gang from the previous scene.

The episode continues at the Dry Gardens, where now the gang has surrounded our protagonists.

The party chases the gang deep into the Dry Gardens.
Well, locals call it a garden, though if you venture deep enough, it resembles more of a wilderness, filled with draught tolerant plants, like succulents and all sorts of cacti.

The wrong-doers are fleeing exactly towards the dense thicket.

It doesn't take much time for our heroes to find themselves surrounded by the gang. They walked into a trap.


Squint, watch out, they're all around us! 😮

They are ambushed from all sides.
Battle breaks out!

They've been lying in wait all along! 😳

Question: Are there people nearby or are they too far into the thickets?
Rory's Story Cubes:
There are eyewitnessesEyes, but they ran away. It is up to chanceDice whether they'll report it to the guards, or not.
Squint and Kait might be on their own now.

Action: Kait whistles for Zhar to come.
Outcome: Yes, butWhoops, looks like
I forgot to draw a
reaction card. 😮
⇾ Zhar comes, but the cacti have overgrown the area. The eagle cannot land safely so he continues to circle in the sky.

In the meantime the thugs strike, Squint, the retired adventurous adventurer steps forward to protect Kait, the scholarly scholar.

Action: Squint parries and strike back.
Outcome: Yes, and…
Reaction card: Painful face
Disorganized hooligans, like them are no match against Squint's prowess. She even throws one into a bush full of spiky needles, ouch!Hurt

She protecc,
She attacc,
But most importantly,
She maketh hedgehogs
Out of her enemies


Question: Do they retreat?
Rory's Story Cubes:
    Thunder ⇾ I'd say yes they do. They quickly scatter in all directions!


No, no, nonono! Come back you scoundrels! We are just getting started! - she demands while raising her fist.

Action: They chase the group.
Outcome: Yes, but
Reaction card: Surprised face
Rory's Story Cubes: ⇾ Rainbow
They catch up to them quite easily.
They chose a smaller group that headed deeper into the thorny maze. As Squint is about to strike with her combat staff, unexpectedlySurprise, surprise, she hits nothing, for the thugs turned into thin air, leaving nothing but their clothes behind.
Moments later, they observe hundreds of birds darting out from the cloaks that fell to the ground. Flocks of sparrows, swallows, kingfishersrainbow and who knows what else that they don't recognize.
In the blink of an eye the tiny winged creatures disperse into the everblue sparkling skyrainbow.


The thugs have turned into birds?
What's going on?
Who's behind this?

Wat iz dis!!!
Tune in next time, to see The Truth Revealed!

End of Scene 3  🔗

Session played at: 2022-01-28

Published at: 2022-02-24

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