Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Session played at: 2021-12-23

Published at: 2022-01-03

I used Tricube Tales, Tricube Tales Solo Rules and Tales of the Goblin Horde Twist tableI have my own setting,
but will use the Twist table there

Explorations in the deep  🔗

A Tricube Tales Solo Adventure  🔗

Adventure setup  🔗


Setting  🔗

I'll go with my homebrew setting which I also used for my Journey Actual Play,
though this adventure is set in another time period.
The main difference is that in this era humanoidshumans, dwarves, elves, kobolds dwell underground
and beastfolk occupy the surface.
Humanoid society is on low profile if it wants to survive.

Creating characters  🔗

For this adventure I decided to go with two characters.
I also made a homebrew tweak so that characters start with 2 Perks.

Ūmtar['uːm.taɾ], ū is a long u:
Brawny KoboldNope,
kobolds in my setting are not those
2 legged dragon-y thingies from DnD 😄
Keen ears - Shh! I heard something!
Tinkerer - I can fix that!
Zealous - Nothing shall hinder us on our quest!

Iax[iax], x is pronunced as a throaty h
German speakers get an advantage
Agile Dwarf Hunter
Tracker - Look, they went this way!
Armor - Safety first!
Has black-outs - What happened? Everything went blank all of a sudden.

Ūmtar and Iax are going to be a part of a larger exploration squad, but I'll try to keep the focus on them both story-wise and dice-tossing-wise.

Creating the plots  🔗

Following the Story Structure in Tricube Tales Solo Rules, I came up with the following Main plot and two Sub-plots.

Main plot: Find a new magical Source
Sources are underground cracks and crevices that unleash powerful magical energies.
I already had this idea in mind, so I did not roll anything for the Main Plot.

Sub-plot #1: Hunt down subterranean creatures
Twist table: swords crossing
The monsters' body parts are used to create weapons, armors, other miscellaneous tools and trophies of course.

Sub-plot #2: Discover new exits to the surface
Twist table: group
Being aware of and controlling entrances to the underground is essential to long-term safety.

Session played at: 2021-12-23

Published at: 2022-01-03

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